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Ireland is an island endowed with natural beauty. It is one of the richest countries in Europe. It is also a growing destination for international students with about 35,000 international students from 161 countries. The streets of Ireland reflect its historical wealth and the atmosphere is lively, homely, peaceful and calm. Studying in Ireland promises a lot of benefits. Below are a few reasons why you should consider studying in Ireland

Why Study In Ireland?

World Class Education

Ireland’s education is of highest quality and it is built on solid foundation of commitment to excellence. It is one of the best in Europe. Island schools are ranked among top 20 in Europe. Ireland has diverse courses; there are over 5000 programs in Ireland for you to pick from. Ireland campuses are built with sophistication; the latest advancement in technology is employed in teaching. World class professionals lecture in Ireland and world class professionals also emerge from Irish schools.

High Quality Scientific Research

Did you know that the Ireland government invests 782 million annually in research in Ireland’s higher education institutes? Ireland is known for its exploits in research especially in science; Ireland institutes are ranked among top 1% research institutes in the world for research impacts in 19 fields.

Scholarship & Financial aids

The financial support structure for international students in Ireland is very encouraging. Trinity College offers bursary of up to 5,000 and UCD provides 50% - 100% discount on tuition. If you look hard enough, you might be able to save some money by utilizing some of the scholarship options available.

Post-study Visa

After studying in Ireland there is a stay back option for you which last for 2 years. Getting a post study visa enables you to explore the job market in Ireland after which you can decide to return back to your home county or chose to settle down in Ireland. You can further apply for a green card/ work permit if you decide to settle in Ireland.

Career Opportunities

Ireland houses some the biggest companies (both local and international) in the world; students are privileged to learn practically by taking up internship programs while they study. It is also an opportunity to build a network of people that will help build a successful career. In addition, Irish graduates are easily absorbed by these companies.

Work Opportunities

Students in Ireland are permitted to work for up to 20 hours per week when school is in section and 40 hours per week during holidays which helps students offset living expenses.

Cost of Living

It is cheaper to live in Ireland than in England. Generally, rent, food, clothes, groceries among others are affordable by most people.

Language Skills

English is widely spoken by throughout Ireland; it is the predominant language. Even though Irish Gaelic is recognized as the official language of the country, only 36% of the population speaks it. One doesn’t need to have a mastery of English to come because there are English courses and programs available that can be taken advantage of to brush up English language skills. You can also harness the opportunity to learn a new language (Irish Gaelic) while you study.

Travel Opportunity

Schooling in Ireland makes travelling the rest of Europe pretty easy. You can utilize your weekends and holidays to explore Europe if you like travelling.

Culture & Lifestyle

Irish people are characterized by their friendliness and hospitality. The cities are very lively; 40% of the population comprises of young and vibrant people below 25 years. You would see a lot of innovation in Ireland no wonder tech companies like goggle, twitter, apple, HP and more are siting main offices (for European region) in Ireland. The economy is quite stable and Ireland is one of the safest places in the world to live. The landscape of Ireland creates a diversity of outdoor leisure activities to engage in. Ireland is actually a lot of fun. Why not try it?

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